Safety Up – Occupational Safety Training

Revolution of occupational safety training

We revolutionalized occupational safety trainings. Instead of listing rules and regulations, the Safety Up training will truly change people’s behaviour and support the development of safety culture. Safety Up trainings are modern solutions to develop safety. They are pedagogically efficient and can be tailor-made to your working environment.

Tailor-made to your working environment

Our efficient material production enables us to tailor the material to suit your company’s needs exactly. For example the risk assessment exercises can be done straight from your own factory or other facilities with our professional trainer. The training program can be utilized to implement elements from your strategy so, that they can be understood with common sence.

Get the Occupational Safety Card from the training

If your company wants to continue using Occupational Safety Cards (released by the Finnish Centre for Occupational Safety), can the Safety Up training be executed in a way, that Occupational Safety Cards can be granted to the participants after the training.

You can also use an in-house trainer

In addition, we provide the tailor-made training material for your inside use as well, if you want to use an in-house trainer. We guide your trainers to the use of the material, and provide on-going support with the trainings.